Norman L. Geisler (b. 1932) is a Christian apologist and the co-founder and Dean of Southern Evangelical Seminary outside Charlotte, North Carolina. He has taught at the university and graduate level for fifty years and has spoken or debated in all fifty states and in twenty-five countries. He holds a Ph.D. in philosophy from Loyola University.
Geisler is best known for his scholarly contributions to the subjects of Christian apologetics, philosophy, and moderate Calvinism and is author, coauthor, or editor of over sixty books and hundreds of articles. He is regarded as one of the foremost living Protestant Thomistic (or classical) apologists of the Christian religion.
Books authored or co-authored:
General Introduction to the Bible (Moody Press, 1968; revised and expanded, 1986);
Ethics: Alternatives and Issues (Zondervan, 1971);
The Christian Ethic of Love (Zondervan, 1973);
Philosophy of Religion (Zondervan, 1974; revised 1988);
From God to Us (Moody Press, 1974);
To Understand the Bible--Look for Jesus (Moody Press, 1975);
Christian Apologetics (Baker Book House, 1976);
A Popular Survey of the Old Testament (Baker Book House, 1977);
The Roots of Evil (Zondervan, 1978);
Inerrancy (Zondervan, 1979);
Introduction to Philosophy: A Christian Perspective (Baker, 1980);
Options in Contemporary Christian Ethics (Baker Book House, 1981);
Biblical Errancy: Its Philosophical Roots (Zondervan, 1981);
Decide for Yourself: How History Views the Bible (Zondervan, 1982):
The Creator in the Courtroom--Scopes II (co-author, Baker, 1982);
What Augustine Says (Baker Book House, 1982);
Is Man the Measure? (Baker Book House, 1983);
Cosmos: Carl Sagan's Religion for the Scientific Mind (Quest Publications, 1983);
Religion of the Force (Quest, 1983);
To Drink or Not to Drink: A Sober Look at the Problem (Quest, 1984);
Perspectives: Understanding and Evaluating Today's World Views (Here's Life Publications, 1984);
Video Series: Christianity Under Attack, in 6 parts (Quest, 1985); also in book: Christianity Under Attack (Quest, 1985);
False Gods of Our Time (Harvest House, 1985);
Reincarnation Sensation (Tyndale, 1986);
Origin Science (Baker, 1987);
Signs and Wonders (Tyndale, 1988);
World's Apart (Baker 1989);
Knowing The Truth About Creation (Servant, 1989);
The Infiltration of the New Age (Tyndale, 1989);
The Battle for the Resurrection (Thomas Nelson, 1989);
Apologetics in the New Age (Baker, 1990);
Come Let Us Reason: An Introduction to Logical Thinking (Baker, 1990);
Gambling: A Bad Bet (Fleming H. Revell, 1990);
The Life and Death Debate (Greenwood, 1990);
In Defense of the Resurrection (Quest, 1991);
Thomas Aquinas: An Evangelical Appraisal (1991);
Matters of Life and Death: Calm Answers to Tough Questions about Abortion and Euthanasia (Baker, 1991);
Miracles and the Modern Mind: A Defense of Biblical Miracles (Baker, 1991);
When Critics Ask: A Handbook on Bible Difficulties (Victor, 1992);
Miracles and the Modern Mind: A Defense of Biblical Miracles (Baker, 1992);
Answering Islam (Baker, 1993);
Roman Catholics and Evangelicals (1995);
Love Is Always Right (Word, 1996);
Creating God in the Image of Man? (Bethany House, 1997);
When Cultists Ask (Baker, 1997);
The Counterfeit Gospel of Mormonism (Harvest House, 1998);
Legislating Morality (Bethany House, 1998);
Baker's Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics (Baker, 1999);
Chosen But Free (Bethany, 1999);
Unshakable Foundations (Bethany, 2001);
Why I Am a Christian (Baker, 2001);
Battle for God (Kregel, 2001);
Living Loud: Defending Your Faith (Broadman & Holman, 2002);
Systematic Theology, Vol. 1 (Introduction – Bible) (Bethany, 2002); Vol. 2 (God - Creation) (Bethany, 2003); Vol. 3 (Sin - Salvation) (Bethany, 2004); Vol. 4 (Church - Last Things) (Bethany, 2005);
I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist (Crossway, 2004);
Is Your Church Ready? (Zondervan, 2003);
Who Made God? (Zondervan, 2003);
Bringing Your Faith To Work (Baker, 2005);
Correcting The Cults (Baker, 2005).
Love Your Neighbor (Crossway, 2007).