Health and Wellbeing Directorate is a directorate of the Scottish Government. It is responsible for the Scottish National Health Service, as well as policies on the development and implementation of health and community care. It was created in 1999 as the Scottish Executive Health Department and was renamed in 2007.
The Cabinet Secretary for Health and Wellbeing is Nicola Sturgeon and she is assisted by the Minister for Public Health, Shona Robison.
The Department is headed by a Director-General, assisted by a Chief Medical Officer. The Department is split into 6 Directorates:
As well as responsibility for NHS Scotland, the Department also has resposnbility for:
Performance Management and Finance
Health Improvement
Human Resources
National Waiting Time Units
Health Scotland
Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland
Scottish Ambulance Service
State Hospital for Scotland and Northern Ireland
NHS 24
NHS Quality Improvement Scotland