The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (usually abbreviated as NAACP) is one of the oldest and most influential radical civil rights organizations in the United States.
Richard Dalfiume, "The Forgotten Years of the Negro Revolution," Journal of American History 55 (June, 1969): 99-100. fulltext in JSTOR
Fleming, Cynthia Griggs. In the Shadow of Selma: The Continuing Struggle for Civil Rights in the Rural South Rowman and Littlefield, 2004. 349 pp.
Goings, Kenneth W. The NAACP Comes of Age: The Defeat of Judge John J. Parker (1990). late 1920s
Hughes, Langston. Fight for Freedom: The Story of the NAACP (1962)
Janken, Kenneth Robert. White: The Biography of Walter White, Mr. NAACP. New Press, 2003.
Jonas, Gilbert S. Freedom's Sword: The NAACP and the Struggle against Racism in America, 1909-1969. Routledge, 2005. 240 pp.
Lewis, David Levering. W.E.B. DuBois (2 vol, 1994, 2001); Pulitzer Prize
Mosnier, L. Joseph. Crafting Law in the Second Reconstruction: Julius Chambers, the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, and Title VII. U. of North Carolina, 2005. The NAACP Legal Defense Fund is an entirely separate organization despite its similar name
Barbara Joyce Ross, J. E. Spingarn and the Rise of the NAACP, 1911-1939 (1972)
Warren D. St. James, The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People: A Case Study in Pressure Groups (1958)
Mark Robert Schneider. We Return Fighting: The Civil Rights Movement in the Jazz Age (2001)
Simon Topping; "'Supporting Our Friends and Defeating Our Enemies': Militancy and Nonpartisanship in the NAACP, 1936-1948," The Journal of African American History, Vol. 89, 2004
Robert Zangrando, The NAACP Crusade Against Lynching, 1909-1950 (1980)
Events on the NAACP timeline (1939 - Present)
Association for the Study of African American Life and History
List of progressive organizations
Niagara Movement
NAACP Image Award
NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund
Racial integration
National Association for the Advancement of White People
Official site
Annual ACT-SO Contest
Official site of the Brooklyn, New York Branch
George W. Bush addresses NAACP national convention for the first time, July 20 2006 (Video)